
Academic Expectations

All Eliot-Hine Middle school students participate in up to 7 classes per day. Each class period begins with a daily Do Now (warm up activity, journal prompt, reflection question, brain teaser, mental math, etc.) to prepare students for the day’s lesson(s). Students are then engaged in group and independent work, determined by the day’s objectives, and should be assessed daily (informally or formally)

Students can expect:
a. Daily performance tasks
b. Daily homework assignments
c. Weekly quizzes and/or bi-weekly assessments

Eliot-Hine Middle School follows the DCPS guidelines and expectations for grades. Grades are determined by active completion of all of the above as well as adherence to general classroom expectations. The grade weights are as follows:

10% Participation
a. Do Now
b. Participation Rubric
c. First Five/Last Five

50% Practice and Application
a. Classwork
b. Homework

40% Assessments
a. Quizzes and Tests (30%)
b. Project Grade (10%)

All grades are entered in ASPEN and teachers are expected to update grades bi-weekly. Parents and students can access ASPEN using their unique login to view grades.


Eliot-Hine Middle school students are expected to develop the necessary classwork skills to be successful in a college environment. Each day, students are graded in class using the class First Five rubric. The classwork grade will include daily completion of the do now, performance task, and exit ticket; and process journals for IB. Additionally, students receive grades for group work and are held individually accountable for group assignments. Students are expected to take notes daily and be checked for these notes as part of their class participation grades.

As stated above, in each class, students will be required to follow the expectations outlined in the First Five and Last Five:

First Five
1. Come in and take your seat
2. Place your materials on your desk (binder, pen/pencil, agenda book, and reading book)
3. Take out last night’s homework assignment if applicable
4. Write down the objective of the day in your agenda
5. Begin the Do Now

Last Five
1. Place your notes, and lessons in your folder
2. Complete Exit Ticket
3. In your agenda, reflect if you met the objective of the day and write your homework
4. Clean up your desk and the area around your desk
5. Line up when given the direction

Additionally, students must be prepared for class daily with the required supplies.


We believe that homework provides continued practice of skills, extends learning and the application of principles based upon work that has started in the classroom. It provides an opportunity to preview skills and content for future lessons. Every student is expected to read 30 minutes each evening and should keep a reading log. If you/or your child needs to support to meet the expectations, please reach out to your child's advisor for support.

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